The History
In 1909 at the age of 14, Clarence Glasman emigrated with his parents and brother from southern Minnesota to farm at Russell, Manitoba.
The Glasmans travelled in 2 rail cars with their belongings which included their prized possessions, their draft and carriage horses. Moving to Manitoba meant acquiring good, reasonably priced farmland and being reunited with family that had emigrated several years earlier. During the first World War, Clarence served with the US Marines and upon return to Russell, he and his new wife Dorothy started their new life grain farming and raising commercial cattle. In the late 1930's Clarence purchased some purebred Black Angus cows for sons Larry and Marshall. As time passed, the purebred herd grew under the farm name Black Eagle Angus.
Through the 50's, 60's and early 70's, Larry and Marshall successfully showed and sold their Angus cattle at all the major shows and sales across Canada and the USA. In 1973 Marshall and son Miles started raising Simmental cattle under the name M & J Farms representing Miles and his parents Marshall and Jean. With time it was decided to dissolve Larry and Marshall Angus cattle partnership with a large dispersal sale in 1976. Through the 1980's Miles and wife Bonnie continued to promote their purebred herd attending shows and sales in Canada. In 1995 they decided to diversify by developing a Red Angus herd. Both sons Jared & Matthew have been actively involved with the development and promotion of the purebred operation.
Evolving purebred operation.

Clarence Glasman & Bill Dunn

Canadian Western Agribition 1971

Canadian Western Agribition 1972

1979 Toronto Royal Winter Fair

1980 CWA Prospect Champion

1996 CWA Reserve Grand Champion Simmental Bull

Marshall, Jean, Matthew, Jared, Bonnie & Miles Glasman 2003